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5 Tips to surviving post Hurricane

By October 26, 2017Uncategorized

Hey Everyone,

It has now been 7 weeks since we were hit with two category 5 hurricanes within one week of each other! While the recovery process is underway there are some tips we wanted to share for friends and family on keeping your sanity during these difficult times.

  1. Always have extra chainsaw chains! Whoever thought that chainsaw chains would become a staple house hold item? Well, once you have lived through two category 5’s you will realize just how useful those extra chains can be! 😉
  2. Unplanned visits with friends are always welcome and most often much needed! With the lack of cell phone service and early curfews, staying in touch can be difficult. Don’t forget to do the old drop by and knock and check in on those you love spending time with. Catching up and even sharing a cold beer or glass of wine can change your whole day and make you feel a sense of normalcy.
  3. Be sure to volunteer to help your community! In the midst of tragedy there is nothing more uplifting than volunteering to help those even less fortunate and bonding together with your local community to begin the rebuilding process. It will remind you how strong and resilient our small island is.
  4. Don’t forget to stop and witness the beauty of Mother Nature! Although the hurricanes demolished most plant life, with all the rain, the trees and flowers are coming back more beautiful than ever. It is really amazing to see Mother Nature at work and we have no doubt the island will be green once again.
  5. Smile! It is difficult to stay motivated during times like these, but putting a smile on your face and sharing a laugh with friends or even strangers can make you feel so much better! Just remember in time it will get better!